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Description revised: 2018-01-16 17:13
Video Program Naming Conventions |
This web page provides help information for the Program Database Requirements, the Media Automation Workflow, and especially the Media Automation web pages.
Media Automation Workflow encompasses the processing and tracking of all broadcast media files after they are released to broadcasting and related media files such as proxies, Closed Caption files, and Closed Caption transcript files.
The Media Automation system manages playlists, creates proxies, embeds CC, embeds AFD, converts MPG files to MXF, and updates the Programs by Request website. The Media Automation Workflow is making ongoing changes to adapt to the new Omneon/Harmonic/Crispin broadcast/production system. Changes are also in process for DIVA, ProTrack, and the new Media Automation server. |
The letters A-G are reserved for valid program segments. If you are doing anything temporary or testing do not use these letters in a series folder. All other letters are available for testing or temporary purposes.
Testing or temporary files can also use extra letters after the segment letter.
Example: EE000001F - A-G Reserved for valid program segments ready for broadcasting and immediate Media Automation processing. EE000001T - H-Z Available for testing and temporary purposes. It is recommended to use more than one letter to mark non-broadcast files. |
Broadcast Schedule WorkflowScheduleMaker has been replaced by ProTrack!The Broadcast Schedule Workflow is defined in detail as part of the ScheduleMaker documentation. In summary, the skeleton schedule(playlist) of the primary programs is defined in the PDB and exported to the ScheduleMaker program. The filler program segments are added and the schedule is released to Master Control for playout. |
Broadcast Media WorkflowBroadcast files come to Master Control from the Control Rooms, Editing, FTP, and other sources. When broadcast files are ready and released for broadcasting, the Master Control Operator (MCO) places them in the Omneon Dropbox. At this point the Media Automation system takes over the processing and tracking of the files until they are on the MediaGrid storage system ready for broadcast. The files are QC checked to verify proper naming and file formats.You may view a Media Automation Work-flow diagram. You may also view a Media Automation diagram that emphasizes CC processing. All broadcast-ready files for final submit by the MCO to the Omneon Dropbox and Media Automation must be either SD-MPG/MXF (720x480) or HD-MXF (1920x1080). Some ministries provide SD-MPG (720x512) files with Line 21 CC already included. Any file may contain A/53 ATSC DTV CC for broadcast. All video/audio processing of MXF files must be completed before the file is submitted to the Omneon Dropbox. MPG files will receive video/audio processing during transcode to MXF All MXF files may contain AFD (Active Format Description) as needed. AFD tracks whether the SD-MPG conversion is the older 4x3 (720x480) or the newer 4x2 (720x360 centered in 720x480 known as letter-box). AFD also applies to HD-MXF that contains content that is 4x3 and already pillar-box (blank area left and right). You may view a diagram that illustrates different AFD Results. If an MXF 4x3 is not marked with AFD, it will be cropped top and bottom because broadcast is in HD and assumes HD then the satellite broadcast is resized to SD. HD-MXF (16x9) and SD-MXF (4x2) content appears letter-box in SD (blank area top and bottom). If an HD/SD-MXF containing 4x3 content is not marked with AFD, it will be cropped in HD and postage-stamp (blank area all around) in SD. The MediaGrid storage system is for use with the Omneon/Harmonic/Crispin HD broadcast/production system. The VTrak storage system is used to store supporting broadcast files such as the MXF backup files, streaming proxy WMV files, and closed caption (CC) SUB/BOT/SCC/HTML files. The information and use of all these files ties into the Program DataBase (PDB). The proxy files of regular series programs are also replicated to the Programs By Request (PBR) website. CC files are also converted to a transcript (HTML) format and copied to the PBR website. The VTrak storage system is accessed through the VideoSrv computer. The VideoSrv\Video share is usually mapped as the Y:\ folder. All VTrak segment files for a series are always stored together in a subdirectory with the name of the series. The MXF backup files series directories are stored in the ten various mount folders such as Y:\MXF7\MXFBackup. All WMV file series directories are stored under the Y:\Proxy directory. All CC (SUB/BOT/SCC/HTML) file series directories are stored under the Y:\CC_Archive directory. These folders are completely under the control of Media Automation. Valid program segments are tracked and processed automatically by Media Automation. All others are ignored. This does not apply to non-active series folders which are also ignored by Media Automation. Only specifically authorized Master Control personnel should ever make any changes in any MediaGrid or VideoSrv folder. The administrator password to VideoSrv should never be given to anyone. This is ony for VideoSrv console access. The "Write" user and password to VideoSrv, which allows write access, should not be given to anyone unless approved by Moses, Tim Lass, or Frank Clark. There is a read-only user and password access. All requests for access to files must be submitted to Tim Lass. MXF files can only be accessed from the backup copies on the VTrak. Access is through a link in the Y:\@MXF directory. You cannot access the MXF file as long as the old MPG file continues to exist on the VTrak. Anyone can monitor the activities of Media Automation using the Program Database. The Program Database is usually accessed through http://mail.3abn.org using Internet Explorer. Most people will use the default Guest login. There is a "Media Automation" entry on the Main Menu. There is a "Media Automation Help" entry, which points to this file that contains answers to almost every question you may have about the PDB and Media Automation. |
Segment File Processing WorkflowThe following Media Automation computer programs perform processing steps that occur automatically in approximately this order. Any time estimates are assuming an hour program. Some processes can be significantly faster or slower for shorter or longer programs. Each step is identified by the program that performs the processing for that step.Example process steps and times for an hour MPG file placed in the Dropbox:
Example process steps and times for an MXF file placed in the Dropbox:
Example process steps and times for an hour MXF file when CC is available:
Example process steps and times for a half hour MXF file when AFD is changed:
DropBoxNew or modified MXF or MPG files are submitted from ingest or file transfer by the Master Control Operator (MCO) to the ( "\\Omneon-2\Dropbox" folder. Only the MCO should access the Dropbox. The Dropbox is going to be moved to the new Media Automation server. These are the types of files expected in the Dropbox. Any other types of files will be rejected. Any optional SCC file must be placed in the Dropbox before its companion MXF/MPG file. There is no provision for adding SCC to an existing MXF file.
MPG files will be transcoded as MXF and resubmitted to the Dropbox as SD-MXF or HD-MXF files after MCO review. MXF files from outside ministries will also receive a final transcode. The DropBox program running in the "Dropbox\Program" folder performs the following functions for each file detected (once a minute) in the Dropbox folder.
MXF2AFDThe MXF2AFD program running on the Omneon server inserts the AFD flag when needed. Because our broadcasting environment mixes SD and HD programming, an AFD flag is needed to keep the top and bottom of a full-screen 4x3 video from being cut off. You may view a diagram that illustrates different AFD Results. The MXF2AFD program checks files from DropBox to determine whether they need an AFD flag inserted. Normally the MCO sets the flag in the PDB before it gets to the "MXF2AFD" folder. However the flag can be changed later. When the AFDStart field is null the appropriate flag is inserted. The file is removed from the MediaGrid while it is being changed and placed in the MXF2CC folder when finished. MXF2CCThe MXF2CC program checks files from the MXF2AFD program to determine whether they need CC inserted. Often, the CC is created later. MXF files are automatically embedded with the CC as needed by the MXF2CC program running on the Omneon-2 server. Move the completed MXF files to the C:\MXF2Crispin folder. Fill in the MXF2CCStart date field and the MXF2CCFinish date field. Status is MXF2CC Processing then later Proxy2CC Pending. MXF2CrispinThe MXF2Crispin program runs on the Omneon-2 server in the "C:\MXF2Crispin\Program" folder. Its primary task is to copy the MXF file to the MediaServer for Crispin import. MXF2Crispin will then make a backup copy of the MXF file to the VTrak. Crispin is not designed to allow a file to be easily replaced. MXF2Crisping has to go through a complicated process to force replacement including a ten minute wait. MXF2Crispin will also move the file to the "C:\MXF2BOT" folder to examine for possible embedded CC. MXF2BOTThe MXF2BOT program running on the Omneon server extracts CC provided by outside ministries. If the CCSource is Unknown and CCAssigned date is blank, then the program copies the file to the \\Omneon-2\MXF2BOT\Extract folder for possible CC extraction in the SCC file format. CCSource is set to Outside_Provided assuming success. CCAssigned is initially assigned to the current date. When extract is finished but there is no SCC, CCSource is set to Series CCType. The CCAssigned date field is set to blank. If SCC is found it is saved in the CC_Archive and converted to SRT then BOT/HTML and also saved in the CC_Archive. CCCreate is set to the CCAssigned date and the CCAssigned date field is set to 9999-12-31 23:59:59. The CCModified date is set to the current time when finished. MXF2ProxyWMV files are automatically transcoded from the MXF files and stored in the appropriate directories on the VTrak by the MXF2Proxy program running on the Omneon-2 server. This process will begin within about 1 minute and take up to an hour. A skeleton CC SUB file is created, if needed. Status is Proxy Processing then FTP Pending unless there is already CC then it skips to MXF2CC Pending. FTP2PBRCopies of the WMV files are automatically transferred by FTP to the PBR website using the FTP2PBR program running on the new Media Automation server. This process will begin within about 1 minute and take about 1 minute. Status is CC Pending unless CC already exists then status is MXF2CC Pending. MPG2MXFThe MPG2MXF program running on the Omneon-2 server creates MXF files from the MPG files. The MXFTranscodeStart field is set to the current time when the file is received. There are three types of MPG files expected in the MPG2MXF folder:
These files will go to a QC folder for review by the MCO before being submitted back to the Dropbox. ScheduleCCPrograms needing CC are identified by the ScheduleCC program running on the workstation of the CC coordinator who records who is assigned to work on the CC. Status is CC Processing. Typical turnaround for CC is 1 - 2 weeks. MoveCCSUB files are entered when received or reviewed and stored as BOT files in the appropriate directories by the MoveCC program running on the workstation of the CC coordinator. Status is MXF2CC Pending. Proxy2CCWMV files are automatically embedded with the CC by the Proxy2CC program running on the new Media Automation server. HTML transcripts are also created for PBR upload. This process will begin within about 1 minute and take about 1 minute. Status is Proxy2CC Processing then FTPCC Pending. Copies of WMV files with embedded CC are automatically transferred by FTP to the PBR website running using the FTP2PBR program on the new Media Automation server. CC HTML transcripts are uploaded immediately afterward. This process will begin within about 1 minute and take about a minute. Status is UpToDate. PBRSchedules are automatically created and transferred nightly by FTP to the PBR website using the PBR program running on the new Media Automation server. A series index is also automatically created and uploaded. MediaCheckThe MediaCheck program runs nightly on the Omneon-2 server. It updates the scheduled fields for CC purposes, checks for misnamed files, and other errors. |
Database FieldsThis is the description of the various fields which are displayed. |
Program Status DetailThe following fields are found in the Program Status Detail of the Program Database and other status screens. There is a record for every broadcast program segment or filler keyed by series and segment name. Any time estimates are assuming an hour program. Some processes can be faster or slower for shorter or longer programs. |
Program SegmentThe Program Segment code is not a database field but is often shown in status displays. The Program Segment code is the combination of the Series field and the Segment field. |
AFD FieldThe AFD (Active Format Description) type indicates the display format of the MXF File. This is needed so 4x3 SD video will broadcast properly in 16x9 HD. These are the values:
You may view a diagram that illustrates different AFD Results. There are about 15,000 older files in SD 4x3 format. Older files that don't get marked will be cropped top and bottom when broadcast with the new system. There was an automated method for identifying and marking the files but a file can be changed or corrected manually. Note that SD 4x2/HD 16x9 is not necessarily an AFD insert but can simply be a mark that it has been verified. This is recognized by an AFDStart and AFDStop that are equal. SD 4x2 is the default assumption for unknown files. |
Updated FieldThe Updated field contains the last date that the record was modified for tracking purposes. |
Scheduled2 FieldThe "Scheduled2" date is like the Scheduled date except it is for identifying the secondary priority of CC for Proclaim and D2D. |
DropboxStart FieldThe date when the MXF or MPG file began copying to the Dropbox.